Sunday 18 October 2015

Managing your Driving Lesson appointment bookings

Managing your Driving Lesson appointment bookings

Money doesn’t grow on trees. You need to invest time and money in order for your Driving School to thrive. But be wise with how you spend your limited time. Focus more on improving the student experience, and reduce the effort required to manage the lesson bookings.

According to bookitlive, they can help you with lesson appointment bookings, payments, Instructor management and online backups. See more information below:

Students Book their own lessons
Students can select their pickup location, the Instructor they want, the available times are then displayed for the Instructor selected. Select a time and enter their contact details and confirm with payment.

bookitlive can also be set up to remind and confirm lesson bookings via email or SMS.
Driving Lesson online appointment booking software

Instructor Management
Scheduling Instructors is not only time consuming, but can also be a pain. bookitlive makes this easy by setting up a recurring schedule. Did an Instructor request holidays? Date ranges can be blocked out to cater for holidays and days off.

Online Backups
The data you have is important: schedules, student and instructor information, payment records and more. Save time by automatically backing up your data with bookitlive. Once you set it up, you can forget all about it. In case anything happens, all your data will be safe and secure.

About bookitlive
bookitlive is a leading provider of cloud based online booking solutions to manage online bookings and payments.
Used by small to enterprise corporations, state and local government departments, hospitals, banks, councils, corporate health care providers, universities and global corporation all successfully maximising efficiency by using bookitlive as an integral part of their day to day operations.

Founded in 2008, bookitlive’s client base includes businesses in the United Kingdom UK, Canada, Ireland, India, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, United States USA and many more. Its headquarters are in Melbourne, Australia.

Supporting Resources
For more information on bookitlive, please visit:

Monday 18 August 2014

Facebook update Invite friends to Facebook page disappears

Facebook page likes and invite friends has disappeared from Facebook pages.

Facebook update removes invite friends to your page

Where has my page likes and invite friends to Facebook Page gone?

It looks like Facebook has made a change to Facebook pages today and have removed the number of likes and the ability to invite friends to the page.

This is very strange and is currently impacting the desktop versions only. The app is still displaying the like count and the invite friends. Might disappear in the next release.

This may be another change to generate more money for Facebook and force businesses to pay to get page likes. 

It might be the time to move to Google Plus instead.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Acupuncture Appointment Booking Software

Acupuncture Appointment Booking Software

Common reasons  why not to get Acupuncture:

  • I’m afraid of needles
  • Its not scientific
  • I don't have time

These are three common reasons listed for why people don’t get acupuncture treatments. But could there be another reason? How about:
“It’s too hard to get an appointment.”
Running an acupuncture clinic should be like the therapy that you provide – free from blockages, flowing smoothly, and thriving on positive energy. Unfortunately, inefficient day-to-day activities can cause even the most balanced person to feel out of whack. So how can you regulate the flow of clients coming in and out of your clinic?

Acupuncture Appointment Booking Software

Try Acupuncture online appointment booking software from bookitlive.
Is your clinic chi suffering from these three common appointment ailments?

1.                Your appointment book is stuck at your clinic
When you have multiple clients, and employees to manage, you need to be able to access your appointment bookings from anywhere anytime. Whether you are using a paper appointment book or desktop software, you still have trek to your clinic when you want to make changes.
A web-based online appointment booking system solves that problem. Not only can you log in from any computer with an Internet connection, you can also view your scheduled appointments and book new ones from your smartphone or tablet.
2.                Your staff spends too much time booking acupuncture appointments
Picture this: your client comes in for her first Acupuncture appointment. She’s understandably nervous, as you can see by her fidgety hands and rapid eye blinking. Her voice is shaky as she tries to make small talk with the receptionist. Clearly, she is looking to your staff to ease her nerves, as well as her joint pain. But it’s not going well. The phone is ringing constantly and she’s kept anxiously waiting while your staff is busy setting and rebooking appointments.
This can really put a cramp in a client’s first impression, as well as set a bad tone for the rest of the session.
(Incidentally, on the slight chance you might need to make amends for keeping a customer waiting, here are six tips for overcoming a bad first impression. Not that you’ll ever need this, of course.)
3.                Your clients want to book their own appointments
It’s annoying to be standing in a lobby waiting to be helped while a receptionist is on the phone. But just as annoying is waiting on the other end of the phone line for someone to pick up so you can book an appointment.
Acupuncturist appointment booking software allows your customers to book their own appointments, quickly and easily. And if their schedules change, they can log into their own secure account and either update or cancel their appointment. Your staff is immediately notified, the phones stay quiet, and your clients get the personalised attention that they want.
Upgrading your appointment booking process can not only alleviate these pain points, but bring a higher level of customer satisfaction to your clients.

Acupuncture appointment booking doesn’t have to be a pain
When your business is regulating the flow of energy in a person’s body, it makes sense that your clinic should be all about the flow. Yet many acupuncture clinics are hesitant to try a technical approach to what used to be a highly manual activity.
Wait, where have we heard that before? Hesitant to try something different…rings a bell…
Most practitioners have heard every reason under the sun why people are apprehensive about acupuncture. But anyone who has tried it knows that one session is all it takes to become a believer.

The same holds true for online appointment booking software for acupuncturists. It’s painless, relieves the pressure of a clogged up scheduling process, and you’ll feel fantastic afterwards.
So why are some acupuncture clinics still clinging to paper appointment books? Human nature is to be wary of change. But, while any new partnership requires research and contemplation, consider this - bookitlive has been helping 1,000’s of businesses in 16 countries save time, increase productivity, and increase revenue. So, don’t worry – trying bookitlive won’t hurt a bit!
Do you have any reservations about trying a web-based booking software? Let us know – we’d love the chance to answer any questions!
Click here to learn more about how works.

By David Godbold - Online Booking Specialist  at bookitlive

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Online Appointment Booking Software for Tax Agents, Tax Returns and Accountants.

Online Appointment Booking Software for Tax Agents, Tax Returns and Accountants

Are you ready for the next Tax session?

Now that the busy tax session is over it is the time to start planning for the next. If your business processes same day tax returns you will know what a nightmare it is arranging all the Accountant appointments.

This was the case with the Crowe Howarth Same Day Tax returns in Tasmania before moving all their appointment bookings online. Clients can simply select a time that suits them fill in the online form and the appointment booking is confirmed.

Enterprise Appointment Booking Software

For more information about tax agent and accountant booking software  visit the bookitlive website at

About bookitlive: bookitlive provides easy and efficient online appointment booking software for small medium  and enterprise businesses. Book, booking, booked.